Fun facts about clocks

A clock can be characterized as a gadget that tells the time that we all know. But do you know that the term ‘clock’ has been coined from the Dutch word ‘glock’. Thomas Nash was the first clock maker of America in quite a while. There are different kinds of timekeepers which incorporate Analog clock, Digital clock, Sundial, Sandglass and so on. Sundials were utilized to tell the time before the development of mechanical timekeepers. The most punctual utilization of sundial goes back to 1,500 BCE. An establishment in Colorado made a clock that is utilized for web time. It is exact to such an extent that it won’t lose or increase a second in even 20 million years. Today in this blog we will be discovering some fun filled facts about clocks. Let’s check them out.

The Big Ben is the name of the largest of the five bells which hang within the clock and not the name of the landmark clock. Pennies are used to adjust the time in London’s Big Ben clock tower. A single penny can change the pendulum’s center of mass and alter the time by 0.4s per day. How cool is that?


France once tried simplifying time by using a decimal clock, in which there were only 10 hours in a day. Presenting Nomon from Spain above which also an European brand.


Before alarm clocks, there was a profession called a knocker-upper who would go around and knock on your door until you woke up. Imagine someone doing this in today’s world!

A simple test involving asking a patient to draw the face of a clock is used as a screening tool for Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Clock curing ailments is the best utilisation of time.

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