Grandfather Clocks Guide

Heirloom Quality Grandfather Clock Brands – such as Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks, Americana Grandmother and Grandfather Clocks, Ridgeway Grandfather Clocks, Kieninger Floor Clocks and Hermle Grandfather Clocks.

Mechanical Grandfather Clock Movements – understanding the differences between and within mechanical grandfather clocks is critical to knowing what you are buying, even if you thing you are getting the greatest grandfather clocks discount or the best grandfather clock on sale, a smart shopper should always know the pros and cons of what they are purchasing. We take the time with our customers, either in one of our stores or by calling us toll-free at 1-800-4CLOCKS (ext. 1), so they understand the many variables. These include grandfather clock movement makers — the 2 best of which (making movements in any real quantity) are Kieninger Clocks and Hermle Clocks, both German companies that have been in the clock business for at least 100 years. Cable vs chain-driven grandfather clocks are but one of many elements to consider in the purchase of a grandfather clock. Grandfather Clock Chimes are also crticial, including knowing what one’s choices are, and how they might sound, whether consider one or more of the Westminster Chimes, Ode To Joy, Ave Maria, Whittington, St Michaels or Bim Bam grandfather clock chimes.

Grandfather Clock Cases – are you looking for a traditional or contemporary grandfather clock. Do you know the different styles of traditional grandfather clocks, including grandfather clock cases with a swan’s neck pediment or split pediment, a bonnet top, a rectangular top, or something else. With contemporary grandfather clocks, one will have even more choices, including type of grandfather clock case material, shape, style patterns, ans so much more. Is a solid wood grandfather clock case important to you? Is it important to you as a grandfather clock shopper to have a grandfather clock case made in the USA or somewhere else? Should it be? How do grandfather clock cases vary within and between brands?

Grandfather Clock Quality – nowadays especially in North America, some of the best known and largest, as well as medium to small size, retailers are selling what could or should only be described as grandfather clock imitations, because while they may look good, they are essentially junk that most all buyers will be very sorry they ever made to begin with. Typically they are modeled after some of the best-selling models of the best makers in the business, such as Howard Miller Clocks and Hermle Clocks, but just about the only similarity is in the initial visual impression, or even more accurately the picture online and on the outside of the box. The cases are typically junk. The movements are also horrible. They will not last long, if at all. The sound quality bears no resemblance to anything we would ever sell. Sometimes assembly may even be required without any prior notice.. It turns out there were frequently no instructions, no clue as to the maker, and the Retailer will not accept a return because the item is already out of the box. Sadly, they will not even make good firewood.

Grandfather Clock Features – High-end grandfather clocks may come with one or many features, including as examples illuminated grandfather clock dials, rotating or faux moonphase dials, auto night shutoff, chime-silence options, volume control, single chime vs triple chimes, battery operated grandfather clocks, visible movements in grandfather clock cases, subsidiary seconds dials, and we hope soon an atomic grandfather clock or grandmother clock. The features list only continues …

New vs Antique Grandfather Clocks — this is a very basic decisi0n which some grandfather clock shoppers may think about more than others. We cover this subject in great depth here and at as well as on our own 1-800-4CLOCKS. If one wants the most features, no hassles, minimal maintenance, and the fanciest looking clocks, one will generally do much better than buying an antique grandfather clock. Equivalent antique grandfather clocks would be significantly more expensive, if one can find them, and unless someone wants a true collectible, which many antique clocks shoppers do, one will pay a lot more and take many moire financial and other risks in purchasing an antique grandfather clock. We sell both new and antique clocks, and this is an oversimplifications, but basically accurate.


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