Who Makes The Best Grandfather Clocks?

Grandfather clocks have been statement pieces for centuries, but modern or antique, they always make a beautiful addition to any home. Let’s dive into the different parts of the grandfather clock’s timeless design and explore a couple of the most famous clock makers left today so that you can uncover the perfect timepiece for your home.


What Are The Key Parts Of A Grandfather Clock?

Grandfather clocks come in all shapes and sizes, but the floor-standing time-keepers typically include these six main parts, which set them apart from other clocks: Moon dial, clock face, chains, weights, pendulum, and wooden casing. 

  • The Moon Dial — Located at the top of the clock, this part of the grandfather clock allows us to see what phase the moon is currently in. You can find out if it’s waxing, waning, or full by looking at its position on this whimsical part of the clock.
  • The Clock Face — There is often a lever on the dial which can turn off the chimes, as well as a section located in the dial which fits a key used to wind the clock once a week. This raises the weights that keep the clock ticking and on time, as they slowly drop during the week.
  • The Chains and Weights — Most grandfather clocks have three chains, each with its own specific weight attached. These chains and weights must be put in the correct position, or else the intricate time-keeping will skew. The three weights each control an important element of the grandfather clock: the ​​hour strike, time-keeping, and chime.
  • The Pendulum — Another key element to how grandfather clocks keep time is the pendulum. This is another weight that swings to stay in time to regulate the rest of the clockwork. 
  • The Wooden Casing — This is where woodworking expertise comes into focus. The rich exterior of a floor-standing grandfather clock is instantly recognizable due to the often ornate designs that adorn the long and tall structure. 

Credited to: https://www.cuckooclocks.com/

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